Community Begins with M.E.

News and Announcements

Important Dates & Information

  • Mission Estancia Golf Classic

    Registration for the inaugural M.E. Golf Classic closes on Oct. 1!!

    Join us for an 18 hole 4-person scramble tournament, award ceremony, banquet dinner and auction. This event will be hosted through the Encinitas Educational Foundation with all proceeds directly supporting Mission Estancia's Enrichment and Intervention programs. The tournament is limited to 128 players and will close on Oct. 1! You don’t want to miss out on all the fun!!!

    Details and registration link here:

  • Calling all Wildcat Mathematicians!!! ME’s Math 24 Club is back! 

    Open to all 3rd-6th graders—no experience needed! 

    Meetings will be held every Thursday during lunch starting Oct. 3. 

    3rd graders meet at 12:30 in Room 301

    4th-6th graders at 11:35 in Room 304

    Get ready to have some serious fun with math!! 

    Curious what Math 24 is? Click HERE to find out!

     Any question, email Kavitta Allem at

  • Join us for A Coffee Chat with Principal Power on Friday, October 4th 8:10am in person in our MPR and on Zoom. 

    Join Zoom Meeting  

    Meeting ID: 663 552 3564 

    Passcode: SmileME 

  • ¿Qué es ELAC? Es un Comité Asesor del Idioma Inglés compuesto por padres, personal y miembros de la comunidad designados específicamente para asesorar a los funcionarios escolares sobre los servicios del programa de Aprendices de Inglés. 

    What is ELAC? Is a English Language Advisory Committee consisted of parents, staff, and community members specifically designated to advise school officials on English Learner program services. 

    Habrá cuidado de niños e interpretación. There will be childcare and interpretation.

  • Help us plan an amazing school carnival! Join our planning meeting to share your ideas and get involved in the fun. 

    Your creativity is key to making this event unforgettable! 

    RSVP Here:   

  • Mission Estancia Golf Classic

    Registration for the inaugural M.E. Golf Classic closes on Oct. 1!!

    Join us for an 18 hole 4-person scramble tournament, award ceremony, banquet dinner and auction. This event will be hosted through the Encinitas Educational Foundation with all proceeds directly supporting Mission Estancia's Enrichment and Intervention programs. The tournament is limited to 128 players and will close on Oct. 1! You don’t want to miss out on all the fun!!!

    Details and registration link here:

  • Class is dismissed at 12:45pm during Conference Week. 6th Grade at Camp Cuyamaca

  • School will be closed for the week. Enjoy your fall break!

Upcoming Events

Check out the events page for important dates and upcoming events.



  • We had an incredible turnout to our first PTA parent book talk on The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. To all of you who joined us, thank you so much for taking time out of your busy evening to contribute to such a thoughtful and powerful conversation. We also want to thank VP of Health and Wellness, Mariah Grace, for putting this wonderful event together. We hope to bring Julia Storm back for a round two. 

    A few takeaways we wanted to share from Julia and the evening:

    1. “Helping kids navigate the world of smartphones, social media, and the vastness of the online world is one of the most pressing issues of our time.”

    2. As a community, we can come together to help our kids and each other navigate this new world

    3. Jonathan Haidt’s 4 norms from Anxious Generation that require collective action:

      1. No smartphones until high school

      2. No social media before 16

      3. Phone free schools (phones locked away for the duration of the school day)

      4. More independence, play, and responsibility in the real world

    4. On Thursday evening, many parents decided to sign the Wait Until 8th Pledge. ( This pledge states that you promise not to give your child a smartphone until at least the end of 8th grade. The pledge becomes active when 10 parents from your child’s grade and school sign the pledge. More info can be found here regarding the pledge. 

  • Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make our Book Fair a huge success. Special thanks to Jennifer Huddleston for chairing our book fair again this year. We appreciate all your time and effort in putting on one of the most fun weeks of the year!  



A huge roar of thanks to all the Wildcats who submitted their designs for the Wildcat Logo Contest and the amazing voters who supported our fierce finalists. The 8 finalists are now displayed in the office and the rest of your incredible artwork is displayed in the hallway for all to admire! Congratulations to Andrew Meng in fifth grade! His winning design will be featured on new spirit wear very soon.

There’s still time to donate to the Giving Campaign! Help us reach our goal of $60,000!